Websites Support Plans

Pay as you Go


Support Plans



Technical Support:

Technical support as defined by Edutech consists of ensuring the proper function of an application or server which is under contract.  Technical support is provided as part of a hosting account while technical support contracts for applications such as Moodle and Joomla are purchased on an annual basis.  All technical support requests are made through the Edutech customer support web portal.  Communication and problem resolution is maintained between Edutech and the administrator/owner of the system under contract.  The support is then administered remotely via the internet in order to correct and problems with the server or application errors.

Usability Support:

Usability support as defined by Edutech consists of application assistance and troubleshooting.  It is intended to assist the local owner/administrator in solving end user issues or configuration problems with the web application.  Usabililty support contracts are available on a yearly basis for any hosted or standalone service (Moodle/Joomla).  Support requests have a 4 business hour response time.  Usability support is delivered remotely through the internet and usually involves a screen sharing session with the administrator over Edutech's remote support application.  Requests for support are made through the Edutech customer support web portal by the owner/administrator of the service.  Under the usability contract customers also have access to the Edutech knowledgebase which offers a variety of tutorials and instructions for common usability issues.


Training is defined by Edutech as being end user instruction in how the product or service operates.  The variety of end user tasks for various services (Moodle and Joomla) will be demonstrated and explained to the users of the product so they can realize the full potential of the software.  Edutech offers training sessions over the internet via an online collaboration application designed to facilitate user involvement and participation.  It is offered at a cost per user per hour with large groups scheduled and individually quoted.  The instructors are well versed in all of the software products that we host and support many with educational backgrounds.


Support Methods

Technical support is provided using several different methods; Online Helpdesk, Live Chat, Screen Sharing and Phone.

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GREAT customer service and tech support, with professional, yet personable service.

Great Solutions For Schools or Businesses

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